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Actualy questions of forensc medical dermatoglifics
Mishalov, V. D.; Gunas, I. V.; Kryvda, G. F.; Bachinsky, V. T.; Voichenko, V. V.; Мішалов, В. Д.; Гунас, І. В.; Кривда, Г. Ф.; Бачинський, В. Т.; Войченко, В. В.; Мишалов, В. Д.; Гунас, И. В.; Кривда, Г. Ф.; Бачинский, В. Т.; Войченко, В. В.
The article examines the historical information regarding the use of dermatoglyphics during the identifcation of an unknown person. Outlined by new perspectives of using modern developments in the feld of forensic criminology in studying skin patterns and the development of diagnostic algorithms common phenotypic traits of human. The analysis of the latest scientifc publications on the given problem was carried out.