Some vazoconsrictive and apoptogene features of heart failure (НF) pathogenesis are studied. Neutral proteinase, nonthrypsine like proteinase (NTLP), tonin, calpains, α-1-proteinase inhibitor (α-1-PI), α-2-macroglobulin (α-2-MG) activities in blood serum were investigated with high-sensitivity (10-9-10-10 g) enzymatic method in the patients with НF. The decrease in proteinase, NTLP, calpains are revealed, that is caused by removing of proteinase complexes with α-2-MG from organism, apoptosis acceleration. The tonin activation is expressed at НFIIB and testifies to development of vazoconstriction effects. The α-1-PI is effective in tonin activity regulation at HFIIA.