The article represents the results of data analytical processing considering the equivalentfor dental treatment cost estimation among victims of traffic accidents with dental andmaxillofacial injuries, and analyzes the objective association level of this criterion withthe parameters of the approaches used for expert assessment of maxillofacial traumainjuries. Objective of the study is to analyze the equivalent for dental treatment costvalues among victims of traffic accidents with dental and maxillofacial trauma injuries,and to establish an objective level of associations of this criterion with the parametersof the approaches used for expert assessment of maxillofacial trauma injuries. Thedesign of the work included analytical processing of data obtained from previouslyconducted studies of retrospective and prospective nature, related to the economiccomponent of patients' rehabilitation due to the maxillofacial injuries occurred afterroad traffic accidents. The studied parameters were: the cost of treatment, duration ofhospitalization, the criterion used to assess traumatic injuries of the maxillofacialregion, correlation values relating trauma characteristics with the final cost of treatmentand duration of hospitalization, statistical reliability of the relationships between thestudied indicators of previously conducted research. Research methods: analytical,prognostic assessment, regression analysis. Current approaches used for expertseverity assessment of the maxillofacial trauma injuries occurred after road accidentscharacterized by limited opportunities to predict and stratify the costs associated withthe necessary future dental treatment of victims, but provide a sufficient level ofobjectification of functional and structural disorders. The increase of the expert severityassessment criteria of maxillofacial trauma injuries, in particular FISS and MFISSscores, is associated with an increase in the cost of appropriate comprehensive treatmentand the potentially required duration of hospitalization, but these associations arecharacterized by uneven patterns of statistical dependences, and an increase in FISSand MFISS indicators beyond certain limit levels provokes a sharp advance in the costof treatment due to the need for a longer hospitalization of the patient.