Под руководством организационно-методического отдела Областной клинической больницы сотрудниками клиники проводилась большая организационно-методическая работа (методические письма, инструкции по диагностике и лечению черепно-мозговых повреждений, осложненных переломов позвоночника, внутричерепных кровоизлияний).
Specialized neurosurgical help to the patients in the south Ukraine was rendered as early as in 20-s years of the previous century. In January, 1959 on the basis of the surgical department of regional clinical hospital 15 neurosurgical beds were organized. The department of neurosurgery was organized at the Odessa Research Institute of Psychoneurology in 1961. The course of neurosurgery was formed at the Medical Institute in 1965.