У статті висвітлено експериментальну методику підготовки майбутніх учителів-філологів до організації позакласної творчої діяльності учнів загальноосвітніх шкіл, що передбачала реалізацію визначених педагогічних умов (стимулювання інтересу майбутніх учителів-філологів до організації позакласної творчої діяльності учнів загальноосвітніх шкіл; насиченість освітнього процесу інтерактивними методами навчання, спрямованих на розвиток умінь організації творчої діяльності; активізація творчої діяльності майбутніх учителів-філологів засобами театральної педагогіки). Подано результати дослідно-експериментальної роботи, що доводять доцільність впровадження визначених педагогічних умов підготовки майбутніх учителів-філологів до організації позакласної творчої діяльності учнів загальноосвітніх шкіл в освітній процес під час навчання у вищому педагогічному навчальному закладі.
The aim of the article is the highlighting of experimental methodology aimed at preparing future teachers of Philology for the organization of extracurricular creative activity of secondary school pupils under these pedagogical conditions: stimulation of future Philology teachers’ interest in the organization of extracurricular creative activity of secondary school pupils; the saturation of the educational process with interactive teaching methods aimed at developing skills in organizing creative activity; the activation of the future Philology teachers’ creative activity by means of theatrical pedagogy, which were implemented stage-by-stage. At the cognitive-motivational stage, this pedagogical condition was implemented: «Stimulating the interest of the future Philology teachers for the organization of extracurricular creative activity of secondary school pupils», which provides students with the necessary theoretical knowledge of the nature and types of extracurricular creative activity in schools of general education. Among the forms of the training organization we can single out these ones: interactive lectures, seminars, debates, (round table) discussions, presentations, students’ self-guided work (interpretation of famous people’s statements, drawing up a portfolio), etc. At the second stage ‒ the organization- and game-oriented stage ‒ the pedagogical condition «The saturation of the educational process with interactive teaching methods aimed at developing the skills of organizing creative activity» was realized, it was aimed at developing students’ practical skills and skills for the organization of extracurricular creative activity in language and literature, games, solving pedagogical situations, conducting intellectual games, independent creative activity (development and defense of projects) within the practical block of the pedagogical club «Creative Workshop of the Teacher-Philologist». During the third one ‒ the improvisational and creative stage ‒ the pedagogical condition «Activation of the
creative activity of the future teachers-philologists by the means of theatrical pedagogy» was realized. This stage envisaged the formation of students’ pedagogical artistry, improvisational skills, familiarization with the exercises used in theatrical pedagogy (in breathing, voice, speech, diction, intonation, imagination, etc.), the acquisition of skills to behave on stage, to prepare theatrical staging, to develop scenarios of holidays, etc. The results of the experimental work have been submitted, proving the advisability of introducing certain pedagogical conditions for training the future teachers-philologists the organization of extracurricular creative activity of secondary school pupils within the educational process of an institution of higher pedagogical education.