У статті розглядається комплексний методичний підхід до формування
кадрової стратегії на підприємствах банківської сфери. Проаналізовано методику
та загальні аспекти розробки та впровадження кадрової стратегії у банках, а
також особливості реалізації стратегії управління персоналом у банківській сфері.
В якості прикладів для демонстрації розвитку кадрової стратегії у банках на
сучасному етапі проаналізовано декілька організацій та проілюстровано загальні
тенденції, які притаманні для даного сегменту.
HR strategy is a set of specific methods and techniques that allow managers to manage human resources in an organization effectively. It is important to note that there are no universal rules and procedures that are equally suitable for different enterprises, so hr-management of the bank at the present stage acts as a certain system of general recommendations. The effectiveness of the entire financial institution’s activity depends on how well and efficiently hr-management and especially hr-strategy were organized in the bank. That is why special attention should be paid to the formation of a hr-strategy. Regularly and clearly formulated strategy of human resources management will enable the bank to provide itself with one of the most important components of the organizations’ competitiveness at the present stage – a competent, adaptive staff, which should be considered as a long-term investment in the company’s success the at all stages of its life cycle.
The individual specificity of the bank’s staffing strategy is determined by the following factors: mission of the bank; social values of the leadership in the bank, level of the regional labor market’s development; current opportunities for financing this direction; bank’s image at the market; effectiveness of the hr-service as a methodical center in the context of the staff direction. The main objectives of the bank’s hr-strategy are a prompt and full satisfaction of the needs in labor resources of the required level of qualification and specialization; creation of organizational, psychological, economic conditions for disclosing the labor
potential of the bank’s employees; formation of “corporate spirit” relations in the work collective as prerequisites for responsibility and loyalty of all employees’ categories. Thus, the focus of hr-strategy lies with the specific intentions of the organization regarding the implementation of the necessary actions and changes. The range of this strategy issues includes providing the organization with the necessary personnel, training, motivation, reward system, flexibility, teamwork and stable labor relations.