150 хворим на ідіопатичний монолатеральний передній увеїт проведено офтальмологічне обстеження, реоофтальмографію
(РОГ) і оптичну когерентну томографію (ОКТ) структур ока і лікування згідно з протоколом. Статистичний аналіз проведено
в Statistica 10.0 з використанням коефіцієнта t Стьюдента, r парної кореляції, r Спірмена. У пацієнтів із невритом зорового нерва на
тлі переднього увеїта показано достовірне збільшення товщини шару перипапілярних нервових волокон і судинної оболонки, тонусу
дрібних і крупних судин ока відносно показників у осіб без невриту. Також відзначено прямий достовірний кореляційний зв’язок
між параметрами, дослідженнями ОКТ (товщина перипапілярних волокон, товщина судинної оболонки, діаметр зорового нерва на
вході в орбіту, у ретробульбарному і середньому відділах) із даними РОГ (об’ємне пульсове кровонаповнення, швидкість об’ємного
кровонаповнення, тонічні властивості судин) у осіб з ускладненням переднього увеїту у вигляді розвитку неврита зорового нерва.
Aim. Identify changes in the optic disc and vascular membrane by OCT, as well as features of hemodynamics and the possibility of
communication between these parameters.
Materials and methods. In 150 patients with idiopathic monolateral anterior uveitis, ophthalmic (visometry, refractometry, tonometry,
perimetry, biomicroscopy, direct, reverse ophthalmoscopy), examination, rheophthalmography (ROG) and optical coherence tomography
(OCT) of structures were performed. Patients received treatment according to the protocol, including, if necessary, antibacterial, antiviral,
steroidal and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, desensitizing, vasodilating, immunomodulatory drugs. Statistical analysis
was performed using Statistica 10.0 using Student's coefficient, pairwise correlation and Spearman's rank correlation
Research results. The OCT results of the eyes of patients with optic neuritis on the background of anterior uveitis showed a significant
increase in the thickness of the layer of peripapillary nerve fibers and vascular membrane by 34.3 and 38.9% relative to the data in anterior
uveitis without complications. ROG revealed a significant increase in the tone of small and large vessels of the eye in neuritis on the background
of anterior uveitis by 14.2 and 17.2% compared to those without neuritis.
There was a direct significant strong relationship between the thickness of peripapillary fibers and the thickness of the vascular membrane
with volumetric pulse blood filling, the volume of volumetric blood filling, tonic properties of large and small vessels (r = 0,699-0,909);
average – between the diameter of the optic nerve at the entrance to the orbit and the parameters of the ROG (r = 0,647-0,797); weak –
determined in the retrobulbar and middle department (r = 0.241-0.453). The development of neuritis in uveitis is accompanied by an increase
in the thickness of the peripapillary fibers and vascular membrane, the diameter of the optic nerve at the entrance to the orbit, in the retrobulbar
and middle department, as well as volumetric pulse blood filling, volumetric connection in all cases (Spearman r 0.421-0.754).
1. The results of OCT of the eyes with optic neuritis on the background of anterior uveitis showed a significant increase in the thickness
of the layer of peripapillary nerve fibers and vascular membrane relative to the data in persons with anterior uveitis without complications.
2. The horn of the tonic properties of the vessels revealed a significant increase in the tone of small and large vessels of the eye with optic
neuritis on the background of anterior uveitis relative to those without neuritis.
3. The direct strong reliable correlation of indicators of thickness of peripheral fibers and a vascular cover with volume pulse blood filling,
speed of volume blood filling, tonic properties of large and small vessels is revealed. Average connection – between the diameter of the optic
nerve at the entrance to the orbit and the parameters of the ROG, weak connection with the diameter of the optic nerve in the retrobulbar and
middle department.
4. The development of optic neuritis against the background of anterior uveitis is accompanied by an increase in the thickness of the
peripheral fibers and choroid, the diameter of the optic nerve at the entrance to the orbit, in the retrobulbar and middle section. The tonic
properties of large and small vessels, volumetric pulse blood filling, and the speed of volumetric blood filling, as indicated by the presence of
a significant direct correlation.