The principle of equivalence of obligations of the policyholder and the insurer (insurance contributions) must be installed in such amount that the amount of insurance contributions was approaching the volume of payments related to compensation of damage to victims in the workplace. Thus, we conducted a comprehensive boatmaster studies prove and argue this need and can be the basis for these proposals. So for workers in the mining industry, at the age of 50 years or more, the conversion factor is 3,6, that is, on the level of premiums companies in this sector should be higher in 3.6 times. With increasing experience of work in harmful conditions with 15 or more years, the conversion factors exceed 1.0, and be the length of service of 20 years or more for workers in underground mining of iron ore 1.67, open-pit mining — 6.3 and metallurgical production is 2.3. Determination of compliance of insurance rates to the modern state in the state based on the evaluation of structure, depending upon the age and working experience is the basis for the development and implementation of the principles of differentiation of tariff rates depending on classes of professional risk will bring the contributions to the volume of payments related to compensation of damage to victims in the workplace.