It was detected the difference between the accumulation of the free glucose and M-glucose dependent on their concentration: accumulation of the free glucose from its 10 mmol/l and of the corresponding concentration M-glucose were approximately the same, and accumulation of the free glucose from its 5 mmol/l was 4 times less than accumulation of the corresponding concentration M-glucose. Presence of the protein nature corresponding concentration substrate decreased the accumulation both of the 10 mmol/l free glucose and M-glucose in 30% each. 5 mmol/l free glycine stimulated activity of the free glucose transport system by 100%, and dipeptide in the corresponding concentration didn’t effect on the activity of the enzymatic transport system for the hydrolysis of maltose and transport of the produced M-glucose. It was supposed the existence of the mechanisms for the activity of the carbohydrate substrate transport systems regulation depend on the concentration of this substrate in the medium and on the presence of the protein nature corresponding concentration and polymerization substrates.