The purpose of our work was creation of program-apparate complex for telemetric registration of phonocardiogram for rats under conditions of free behavior. A new principle of analog signal encoding due to the temporal compression with a noise resistant algorythm is offered. The wide bar of data communication and the power intensity with the high signal-to-noise ratio are provided.
The wireless system consists of the portable mobile transmitter, stationary receiver, analog-to-digital converter, computer. A telemetric data channel is characterized by the following parameters: carrier frequency 405 MHz, energy consumption 12 mW, discretization frequency 30 kHz, transmitter mass 42 g, working time in autonomous behaviour 20 hrs, range 1.5 m.
Under conditions of chronic experiment on adult white rats registration of phonocardiogram is carried out under conditions of free behavior. The offered principle and operating model created on its base confirmed efficiency of the original telemetric system.